Marvel Movies
Marvel Movies

"You did that on purpose, Flash!"
―Missy Kallenback[src]

Missy Kallenback was a student at Midtown Science High School who had a crush on Peter Parker.


The Amazing Spider-Man[]

Missy was one of the more nerdy and unpopular students at Midtown Science High School, which made her susceptible to bullying, namely by jocks like Flash Thompson. One day, Missy was among the crowd of students watching Flash bullying Gordon, holding him over a plate of particularly nasty food and smushing his face into it, trying to force him to eat it and humiliating him in front of everyone. Peter Parker intervened and was beaten by Flash instead, Missy watched in shock and horror as Flash hit Peter.

During a basketball match played by Flash, Missy stood at the field's side, painting a banner, but Flash started bullying her by throwing the ball at her head. The first time, Flash missed his target, the second one, the ball was intercepted by Peter, who then challenged the bully and humiliated him showing incredible skills. Missy stared in admiration at her unexpected defender.

Later, when the Lizard attacked Midtown Science High School, Missy was one of the many students who evacuated the building.

Character traits[]

Missy is an unpopular girl, not integrated with other girls. Despite being a social "pariah", Missy has got quite a character and is able to speak directly to a bully like Flash Thompson.



Behind the scenes[]

To be added


