Marvel Movies
Marvel Movies

"Who the hell are you?"
―William Drake[src]

William Drake is the husband of Madeline Drake and the father of Bobby and Ronny Drake.


X2: X-Men United[]

William and his family arrived home and spotted a stranger in their kitchen. Bobby came downstairs and introduced the man as professor Logan. Everyone went into the living room to see what Bobby had to say, he told his family that he is a mutant. William thought Bobby was going to a school for the gifted. He asked Logan what professor he is and replied art.

Ronny watched to see what Bobby could do and called the police. When the police arrive, they broke the door open keeping him and his wife hostage. Pyro started attacking the police and blowing up their cars, when the fighting ended, the X-Jet picked the mutants up. While they were leaving, Bobby took one last look at his family and turned away as the X-Jet flew away.



Behind the scenes[]

To be added


To be added


X2: X-Men United[]
