Marvel Movies
Marvel Movies

Gungnir is Odin Borson's spear. It serves as a symbol of Asgard's power. Gungnir is powered by the Odinforce.



Odin uses it against the Frost Giants in the major battle of 965 A.D. to save Earth, and from there on he keeps it as his personal primary weapon. When Thor and some friends invade Jotunheim on their own, Odin comes to save them using the power of Gungnir to temporarly blind the Giants and buying time for Heimdall to bring the group home.

When Odin falls into the Odinsleep, Gungnir falls into the hands of Loki, who proclaims himself the new ruler of Asgard. During the final battle between Loki and Thor, the first wields Gungnir and uses its power to try and defeat his stepbrother, but ultimately fails, and the spear eventually comes back into the hands of his original owner, Odin himself.

Thor: The Dark World[]

To be added

Thor: Ragnarok[]

After returning to Asgard, Thor armed himself with his father's spear, Gungnir, and banged it repeatedly on the ground to draw Hela's attention. When Hela arrived, Thor used Gungnir to battle his sister, but proved unable to defeat her even when armed with the powerful spear. Thor lost it during their fight and it was likely destroyed along with Asgard.

Powers and Abilities[]

Gungnir allowed its wielder to channel the Odinforce, emitting powerful energy blasts and blinding light. It could match Thor's hammer in battle. It also allowed the wielder to control the Destroyer and give it whatever orders they wanted, as well as partially possess the armor and perceive what happened around it. However, it was not powerful enough to allow its user to defeat Hela Odinsdottir in battle.


Behind the scenes[]

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  • Gungnir is made out of Uru metal, which explains it weight/sound effects similar to Mjölnir and why it can be an equal match in battle for Mjolnir, also made of Uru.
  • It is possible that Gungnir is an heirloom passed down through kings of Asgard. Odin's father Bor wielded a similar or the same spear when he ruled and it is presented to Loki when be became regent. 
  • After Frigga's death, she and the other fallen Asgardian warriors, were given a grand funeral ceremony and at the end Odin slammed Gungnir on the ground, and the bodies of the dead transformed into a glittering mist that flew up into the night sky.
  • Gugnir means "swaying one" in Old Norse.



Thor: The Dark World[]

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Thor: Ragnarok[]

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