Marvel Movies
Marvel Movies

Night Bitch, is a member of the superhero team Justice Forever.


Kick-Ass 2

Nightbitch also known as Miranda Swedlow plays a central role in Justice Forever's team, acting as 2nd after Kick-Ass and Colonel Stars. The other members play a less crucial role, as she acts as Kick-Ass's apparent love interest throughout Kick-Ass 2.

Miranda's relationship with Dave quickly dissolves after he visits her in a hospital with flowers, after being attacked. She realizes at this point that their relationship never existed as they never knew each other. This implies they were simply having casual sex only in costume, and they were not romantic partners after all. Despite this, Miranda takes part in the final attack against the Toxic Mega Cunts, and remains to be an active member of Justice Forever.

Character traits

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Behind the scenes

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