Marvel Movies
Marvel Movies

"I was never afraid of you."
―Ray Carrigan[src]

Ray Carrigan was a drug dealer and mercenary who worked for Mephistopheles. After he was crushed to death by a block of cement, Mephistopheles resurrected him as the shadow demon Blackout.


Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance[]

Ray Carrigan was an Agent of Hell who worked for Mephistopheles. He invaded Corvin's Castle in Eastern Europe where he saw Danny Ketch escape and chased Nadya Ketch's car. When Moreau, started chasing him and Danny, he shot his motorcycle wheel. Before his confrontation with Ghost Rider, Mephistopheles found him crashed into a wall, he felt that he was going to die so Mephistopheles turned Ray into a shadow demon called "Blackout".

Ray had the power to instantly kill whoever and whatever he came in contact with. Before Methodius' betrayal, the monks had a ceremony to execute Danny. Before Methodius managed to complete the execution, Blackout appeared in his shadow, and then touched and killed all the monks including Methodius. He kidnapped Danny and took him to a ritual. Blackout fought and killed Moreau when he tried to intervene. When Johnny Blaze became Ghost Rider, Blackout chased them and suddenly appeared on Nadya's car. He and Ghost Rider fought with him decaying Ghost Riders chains and then when Blackout was winning Ghost Rider killed him using his penance stare.

Character traits[]

Ray was a ruthless mercenary and drug dealer, who only cares of himself and is ready to sacrifice his own men only on a whim. He's particularly alien from any kind of morality, and that's the reason because the Devil himself chose him as a human agent. He's a skilled fighter, able to use a wide variety of armed weapons.

As Blackout, Ray retains his personality, but has his powers increased. His victims are soaked in a complete darkness, where Blackout lurks freely. He's also able to make everything he touches rot to dust: it's unclear if Blackout is able to control this power, since he's got difficulties in eating because food rots, but the ambulance he rides, Blaze's face and many other things are not affected (not immediately, at least) by his ability. He's also a skilled hand-to-hand fighter, and possesses superhuman physical attributes.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Both his human form and his Blackout form seem to be excellent with weapons.
  • In his Blackout form, Ray rots whatever he touches, instantly killing whoever and whatever he comes in contact with.
  • Blackout seems to have superhuman agility and strength.



Behind the scenes[]

To be added


  • Ray was never called by the name Blackout in the film.
  • Blackout's real name is never revealed in the comics.
  • The movie version of Blackout, even if disposing of some sort of darkness power like in the comics, lacks of one of his most known trademarks, the steel (then demonic) fangs.
  • Blackout's powers seem to operate unevenly throughout the film. When he is shown driving a truck, all the food he attempts to eat (such as an apple) disintegrates instantly. He can disintegrate metal swords and guns. However, the trucks he drives or his clothes never decay.
  • Ray was able to beat Ghost Rider in battle twice, but when he fought Ghost Rider as Blackout he was beaten.
  • Aside from his appearance and his power to extinguish light sources in his immediate vicinity, Blackout is nothing like his comic book counterpart. The film creators confirmed that the character would not follow the original Marvel mythology of the character and admitted that they based his characterization on the look of the character alone.
  • In a rather humorous scene, Ray is trying to find something to eat whilst his touch rots everything he lays hands on. Picking up a twinkie, he finds it does not decay in a nod to the legendary longevity of the snack food.
  • A version of Blackout was featured in the Ghost Rider video game, voiced by Lex Lang. However, due to the differences in the portrayal of the character, the game's version is not considered canon.


Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance[]

See Also[]
