Marvel Movies
Marvel Movies

"I can still see the light."
―Moreau's final words.[src]

Moreau was the friend and sidekick of Johnny Blaze.


Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance[]

Moreau tried to help save Danny Ketch when Ray Carrigan attacked the safe-spot where they were keeping Danny. Moreau went to find the Ghost Rider so he could help save Danny. Later, Moreau caught up with Nadya Ketch, Johnny, and Danny. They took Danny to a new safe-spot, and there, Moreau told Johnny about Zarathos. He helped Johnny get rid of the Rider, for good. When Danny was kidnapped by Blackout, Moreau, Nadya and Johnny went to stop "the ritual". Moreau fought Blackout and was killed.

Character traits[]

Moreau was a French priest with a strange sense of humor and serious problems of alcoholism, which made him lose the esteem of his brothers in his monk order. He's got some exorcism powers, as demonstrated in successfully freeing Johnny Blaze from Zarathos, and he's an extremely skilled armed fighter and driver.



Behind the scenes[]

To be added


  • In the comics, there are three characters named Moreau. David Moreau, aka the Genegeneer, is one of them. There are also his sons Philip Moreau and Thomas Philip Moreau. Thomas and David are villains while Philip is a hero. It is very unlikely that this character is based on any of them.


Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance[]
