Marvel Movies
Marvel Movies

Jimmy, also known as Leech, is a mutant who can negate the mutations of other mutants.


X-Men: The Last Stand[]

Leech plays a pivotal role as the source of the "cure" for the mutant X-Gene, the cure being a sort of retroviral gene therapy using Leech's DNA. His power automatically cancels the powers and physical mutation of any mutant within a few feet of him; such as Hank McCoy's blue fur.

When McCoy reaches out to shake Jimmy's hand, his own hand loses its furry blue appearance; the mutation returns once he leaves Leech's presence. Magneto plans to kill Leech, who is being kept at [[[Alcatraz Island (Earth-10005)|Alcatraz Island]], thus; destroying the mutant cure (at that point they had no way of synthesizing the cure artificially) and preserving the mutant species.

Magneto and his Brotherhood of Mutants attack the facility, which is defended by federal troops and the X-Men. During the battle, Juggernaut is sent to find Jimmy and Kitty Pryde races to save him. Juggernaut is defeated when Kitty uses Leech's nullification power against him, taunting him into charging at them head-on so he'll knock himself out against the wall.

Kitty and Jimmy then escape the building through the holes that Juggernaut smashed on his way in. Later, Jimmy is seen evacuating Alcatraz Island with Pryde and Bobby Drake. Jimmy is then seen as a member of the Xavier Institute and is received by the new leader, Storm.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Mutant Physiology: Leech is a mutant who possesses power negation.
    • Power Negation: Leech can negate the powers and physical mutation of other mutants; for example, Juggernaut's superhuman strength and resistance were completely suppressed.


  • Limitations: Leech can only nullify the powers and physical mutation of other mutants; as long as they are in close proximity. Although the government was able to create a serum from his blood; that can cure mutants of their powers and physical mutation; but the effects are only temporary.
  • Lack of Control: Leech cannot control his power negation, and unintentionally suppresses the powers and physical mutations of other mutants.



Behind the scenes[]

To be added


  • In the comics, Leech has a frog like appearance with green skin and lives in the sewers with mutants called The Morlocks.
  • Leech's role in the mutant cure in the film replaces the role of the alien ambassador Ord who introduced the cure in the comics.


X-Men: The Last Stand[]
